11 Apr






Blackjack is one of the most popular card games that are played at casinos. Black jack is often the best paying card game if you know how to play and have the real knowledge of who you are trying to beat. Blackjack is basically a card game where you are dealt two cards, one face down, and one face up to start out with. Blackjack is one of the most popular card games that are played at casinos. Black jack is often the best paying card game if you know how to play and have the real knowledge of who you are trying to beat. Blackjack is basically a card game where you are dealt two cards, one face down, and one face up to start out with. You decide at that point by counting the amount of the value of the card if you would like another card (hit) to get as close to 21 as you can. Once you decide to stand or stay, the next player has the same option and it goes around the table till the dealers turn comes up. The dealer has the same option as you do at that point. The dealer however, will always stop their hand once the amount of the cards dealt to them reaches 17 points.


At a casino blackjack table, the dealer faces five to seven playing positions from behind a semicircular table. Between one and eight standard 52-card decks are shuffled together. At the beginning of each round, up to three players can place their bets in the "betting box" at each position in play. That is, there could be up to three players at each position at a table in jurisdictions that allow back betting. The player whose bet is at the front of the betting box is deemed to have control over the position, and the dealer will consult the controlling player for playing decisions regarding the hand; the other players of that box are said to "play behind". Any player is usually allowed to control or bet in as many boxes as desired at a single table, but it is prohibited for an individual to play on more than one table at a time or to place multiple bets within a single box. In many U.S. casinos, however, players are limited to playing two or three positions at a table and often only one person is allowed to bet on each position. 고스톱


  • Hit - Receive a card: in Black jack you may hit as long as you have not went over 21.
  • Stand - End your turn and pass to the next player.
  • Double Down- This means to double your bet, you will get one more card, and then ends your turn.
  • Split-If you have two of the same card (like two 6's), you can split them and play each as a separate hand. You'll get one more card for each, and then you hit or stand on each hand. You have to put up another bet since now you're playing two hands.
  • Surrender- Surrender allows you to bow out of your hand and lose half your bet. This is a good option when you'd likely lose your whole bet if you stayed in, such as when you have a total of 16 vs. a dealer up card of 10. Although this was a popular play, it is hardly used in top casinos any more.
  • Bust-If you go over 21, you've busted, and you lose. Even if the dealer busts.
  • Push-If you and the dealer have the same total, it's a push, or a tie, and you neither win nor lose your bet.
  • Natural-If you're dealt an ace plus a ten (or a face card, which is worth ten), that's called a natural or a Blackjack.
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